的有关信息介绍如下:国庆节那天,阳光明媚,爸爸带我和弟弟去西湖游玩。 On National Day, sunny, my father took my brother and I go to visit the west lake. 一路上凉风习习,路旁的风景如画。毕汪 All the way cool wind blow gently, the picturesque. 我们来到西湖入口处,映入眼帘的就是那一碧万顷的西湖。 We came to the west lake the entrance, greet is that YiBiWanQing west lake. 清澈的湖水好像一面大镜子,倒映着蓝天、白云和岸边的柳树。 The clear water like a big mirror, reflected the blue sky, the white clouds and the willow tree. 一阵风拂过,湖面就漾起层层微波,在阳光的照射下,金光闪闪,好看得很。 A gust of wind touched, the lake was overflow up layer upon layer microwave, in under the irradiation of sunlight, glittering, very good-looking. 湖中心的几只游艇快速开过,加上偶尔有几只水鸟在湖面滑翔,长长的腿在水面上划过,激起一道道白色的水花,为西湖增添了无限生机。 The center of the lake a few yacht quick open, and occasionally a few only on the surface of the lake water birds glide, long legs on the surface of the knife, aroused a series of white spray, the west lake for added infinite vitality. 看着这美丽的画面,我和弟弟激动得又蹦又跳。 Look at this beautiful picture, my brother and I was so excited jumped up and down. 我们拍照留念后就沿着西湖岸边的石板路继续往前走,来到里西湖。 We took a photo along the west lake shore after the flagging walked on, came to the west lake. 里西湖长满了荷叶,碧绿碧绿的,就像一把把撑开的绿伞。 The west lake in with lotus leaf, luxuriantly green, like YiBaBa LuSan rotary. 有几张荷叶上还躺着几颗小水珠,可能是露珠吧! There are a few ZhangHeYe also lay a few tiny sweat, the likelihood is dew! 小水珠亮晶晶的,一动也不动,好像正在荷叶妈妈怀里睡觉似的,真可爱呀! Little glob glistening, motionless, like lotus leaf is the mother's arms sleeping like, really cute! 这时,一阵风吹来,它醒了,睁开了眼睛,开始和风姐姐学跳舞,摇来摆去。 Then, a gust of wind blowing, it woke up, opened his eyes, start and wind sister learn dance, wave to place to go. 可能是跳得太投入了吧,一不小心察物滚入了湖里。 May be jump too devotion now, do not take care to roll into the lake. 哎,不知道要过多久才能回败数液到妈妈的怀抱了。 Ah, don't know to have how long to return to the arms of the mother. 荷花已经开了不少了,有的全开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬,有的还是花骨朵,有的才裂开几片花瓣…… Lotus has opened a lot of, some open, show bright yellow small lotus seedpod, some still bud, some just open a few leaf... 真是千姿百态。 Is really beautiful. 听妈妈说荷叶茎下的淤泥里还埋藏着莲藕呢! Listen to mother said YeJing charge under the silt still buried the lotus root! 我想:它真像个害羞的小姑娘躲在妈妈身后不敢露面呀! I think: it's like a shy little girl in the mother to show hide behind! 抬头远望,远处是连绵的群山,那里还弥漫着朦胧的薄雾,真像仙境一般。 Look up looking out, the distance is continuous hills, there still smell of hazy mist, really like a fairyland general. 啊,西湖真无愧于人间天堂的美名呀! Ah, the west lake really is worthy of a paradise on earth! 我爱杭州西湖。 I love hangzhou west lake.