
Ocean Rose歌词的翻译

Ocean Rose歌词的翻译


Ocean Rose歌词的翻译

Ocean Rose (古风版)沧海一棚庆薇【译】卿白衣She was a silent white rose,who lived in a tall iron tower.静女其姝,宛若白薇。囚于危牢,固不可彻。Barefoot she wandered in her room,dreaming of life and a lover.披发跣足,昼夜徘徊。思彼良人,因之入梦。And in a night she threw a net,into the ocean wide and deep.更深人静,结网临链肆握渊雹竖。三千弱水,且广且邃。And some of the things she caught in there,made her sad and made her weep.浮生炎凉,不足与道。拭泪翙翙,难述其悲。A fiery warmth embraced her heart,when sunrays caught her hair.雏阳东来,映彼青丝。鬓发生辉,燃及腑肺。And then she looked upon the world,her longing got hard to bear.至于沧海,隰川难为。观乎日月,星火难为。She was locked in an iron tower,with windows but no doors to be found.陟彼窗楯,以望河汉。河汉灿灿,遥不可攀。Often she listened hard at night,for a voice in the ocean's sound.赤乌西沉,玉兔东升。枕流漱耳,以听沧海。And voices was mingling with her own,waves were singing, flee the tower.挽以风月,且为之和。千尺之牢,溃以高歌。By the stairway that takes you down,follow the ocean's song my flower.今之寂兮,誓将去兮。心之悦兮,誓将适兮。Silent the rose went down,she was shivering in the dark and the cold.白薇不语,茕然孑立。岁寒岁寒,淬我香蘼。Through in an opening in the wall,the ocean sang as foretold.白驹过隙,物换星移。沧海未央,一如既往。Floating upon the warm blue sea,by the waves to a shore she was led.弱水茫茫,载吾所望。弱水汤汤,渐我裙裳。Among the trees red roses grow,and the white rose turned to red.昔我往矣,雨雪尚霏。今我来思,杨柳已依。 =========我是作死的分割线君O.O=========Ocean Rose (东北版)横扒拉竖挡不干,非得跳海的玫瑰花【译】卿白衣She was a silent white rose,who lived in a tall iron tower.从前吧,有一个女的,住在老高老高一铁塔上,内女的吧,长得跟一朵煞白煞白的陪葬花似的。Barefoot she wandered in her room,dreaming of life and a lover.一天天地,内女的就光个老脚丫子在屋里瞎鸡巴晃荡,在那想天三儿地寻思,关于日子和汉子那点儿破事儿。And in a night she threw a net,into the ocean wide and deep.完了有一天大半夜地,内老娘们咔嚓往大海里扔个破渔网子,艾玛呀,内大海老深老深、老宽老宽了。And some of the things she caught in there,made her sad and made her weep.结果把网一薅起来一瞅,啥鸡巴好玩意儿也没有,内女的立马就哭得水裆尿腚地了。A fiery warmth embraced her heart,when sunrays caught her hair.等第二天晌乎,太阳晒到她那头发梢子上以后,她美得屁颠儿地,嚼着自个儿内小心肝儿呀,都火烧火燎地。And then she looked upon the world,her longing got hard to bear.完了她抬头转圈儿一顿撒麽,不知道咋整的赶脚整个人无肌六受地。She was locked in an iron tower,with windows but no doors to be found.横是她叫人给锁屋里了,蹦高儿都爬不出去给憋得。Often she listened hard at night,for a voice in the ocean's sound.咋整,隔三差五她就趴窗台底下搁那竖耳朵听,黑灯瞎火地除了大海逮那嚎嚎就没别的动静了。And voices was mingling with her own,waves were singing, flee the tower.她倒好,一听着点儿音儿就跟着扯脖子一起嚎,妈的居然最后把那老高老高的铁塔都给嚎散架子了。By the stairway that takes you down,follow the ocean's song my flower.合计着她应该连滚带爬地就从楼梯上下来了,完了追着撵着就得往大海里面跑啊。Silent the rose went down,she was shivering in the dark and the cold.结果袅不悄儿地,她一下来,就逮那冷飕飕、黑黢黢的外头,得得嗖嗖冻得跟朵傻逼似的。Through in an opening in the wall,the ocean sang as foretold.嗞溜一下子从墙眼儿里钻过去,她赶脚到了大海在那逼逼逼~Floating upon the warm blue sea,by the waves to a shore she was led.搁大海里一顿漂啊漂,后允儿海浪终于给她冲到岸上了,她都累傻逼了,呱唧往那一汰歪,贼脑呼。Among the trees red roses grow,and the white rose turned to red.完了就搁内油绿油绿的小树林子里头,内煞白煞白的老娘们,飚了一口大姨妈,就鸡巴哏儿屁了~~O_O”…!!!